Monday, April 8, 2013

Workouts week! Start with Millenium today...

100 reps of each exercise
I like this one, it is simple but typically makes me sore the next day!
By the 50th rep you should be hitting fatigue.
Complete one exercise before going to the next one. 
You don’t have to do all 100 reps in a row, you can rest between.

Push ups - start on your toes and go down to your knees when you need to

Lunges (100 each leg)

Butt devils (50 each leg) one - 10 lb dumbbell in hand
Dumbbell in right hand, step out with left leg and take right leg behind like you are bowling.  Step together and continue on that side until finished.  Then switch and do the other side.  This one is hard to describe but VERY effective!

Step ups onto a weight bench or dining room chair (50 each leg)

Overhead Press 5 or 8 lbs dumbbells

Bicep Curls 8 lbs dumbbells

Speed squats - fast bursts; go down into the squat position and come half way up, not fulling extending your leg and go back down, fast, go!

Jumping Jacks


Reverse crunches

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