Monday, June 3, 2013

Anna's 10X10 Workout

WOW, is this workout deceptive!
1. Start at the top of the list and do 10 reps of the first exercise, rest. 
 2.Start again, doing 10 reps of first exercise and follow with 10 reps of second exercise, then rest. 
**Basically, each time, start at the top and do 10 reps of each exercise then add an exercise each time you go through it.**  
 You will go through 10 times, but add 100 crunches your last time.  
Go ahead, give it a try.  Let me know how you feel by the time you add number 6!  Either comment belwo, post on my facebook page, or tweet me with the hashtag #10X10! Burn calories and sculpt those target areas – ready, set go!
-Squat jumps – hands behind your head, squat down, explode up and as you land go into your next squat
-Side lunges (10 per leg) with a 10 lb. dumbbell
-Prisoner get ups (kneel down on both knees and stand back up = 1)
-Standing crossover crunch with a 10 lb. dumbbell
-Kettlebell swing
-Push ups
-Bicep curls 12+ lb dumbbells
-Triceps dips
--100 crunches last time through

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