Welcome to the deck of
cards workout! Everyone has a deck of cards laying around, and this is a
great workout to do on vacation! You will open the deck of cards and
shuffle it.
Each card has an
exercise associated with it. The order of exercises will be random.
Try not to rest. Flip from card to card as quickly as possible. Print
out this post so that you have a quick reference
for each card and exercise.
All ACES that come up, you will do 10 Burpees (a squat thrust with a jump at the end).
Jokers are equal 100 crunches.
Each JACK will be 20 jumping jacks.
Each KING OR QUEEN, do 20 scooping squats.
Numbered cards work like this:
BLACK cards are push ups (the number on card is equal to the number of reps that you will complete) ex. 8 of clubs is 8 push ups
RED cards are
stationary lunges on each leg (the number on card is equal to the number
of reps that you will complete) ex. 5 of hearts is 5 lunges on each leg
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