Saturday, December 28, 2013

Exercise should not be comfortable

In order to place appropriate demands on the body for change to occur, your exercise session should not be comfortable.  You should not be able to sing or carry on a conversation.

Exercise in your target heart rate zone when doing cardio... calculated
220 - age x 75% = target heart rate
This is what your heart rate should be per minute, give or take a few beats, in order to have physiological change in the body. Or refer to this chart:

When lifting weights you should not be able to lift the weight more than ten times.  If you are doing ten reps, the first three should be do-able, the last three should be challenging - so much so that you want to stop!  Rest between sets is 30 seconds to 2 minute, no more no less.  You should be sore or tender in the muscles the next day - this is a subjective measure that tells us the workout was challenging enough to see physiological change. Be sure to rest the muscle group 24 hours before working it again.

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