Thursday, December 12, 2013

Trail Mix Snack Bar - for the whole family!

Time to plan some healthy snacks for everyone.  Make it a family affair!  Create a Trail Mix Bar, kind of like a salad bar…but, well, with trail mix ingredients.  Whole grain dry cereals, almonds, walnuts, cranberries, raisins, dried blueberries, pineapple or bananas, pumpkin seeds, granola, oats and more.  Keep the sugar content low!  There are fats in the nuts and sugar in the dried fruits, but all in all these are whole foods and they are calorie dense.  Give everyone a one cup container to fill with their contents.  Then they empty that container into a baggie and viola – one snack down… how many more to go?  Great for planning during the week and teaching the kids about how healthy eating can be fun and they can be in control of their contents!

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