Tuesday, December 17, 2013

If the shoe fits... wear it!

Having a proper fitting pair of exercise shoes is the single most important exercise decision you will make.  If you do not properly care for your feet, you WILL have exercise injury.  Here are some tips for choosing the best athletic shoe for your foot.
1)      Invest.  You will not find a proper fitting pair of athletic shoes for less than $60, period.  Can you find shoes for less than that?  Yes, but you will be unhappy with them within a week or you will have foot pain and issues within a month. Pain in your feet leads to pain in your calves, which leads to pain in your back.  Proper fitting shoes are an investment.
2)      Do not ask your shoes to multitask. Your exercise shoes will be just for exercising.  They will last you much longer if you only wear them for your workouts.  Carry them to the your workout location; gym, park or otherwise and change before and after your workout.
3)      Fall in love.  When you put the shoe on your foot you will KNOW that it is comfortable.  Do not try to convince yourself that you LOVE them, it will only end in shoe divorce.  Don’t try to tell yourself “they will break in.”  No, they will not break in, they will break you, physically.
4)      Ask an expert.  Choose a shoe store where there are qualified people to help assess your foot’s size and shape, watch you walk, check your current shoes for wear patterns and check the new shoe for proper fit.  Take a pair of shoes that you wear regularly – the salesperson will look at the bottom and the back of your shoe to see how you wear out the tread of the shoe.  This will tell them if you pronate or supinate and then they can recommend shoes based on the wear pattern.  Take the socks you will be wearing with your new shoes for best-fit results.  If the salesperson’s primary role is to search to see if they have your size, find a new store.  Ask fellow runners and exercisers where they buy their shoes. Online purchases are only for repeat buying of a shoe you already know fits.
5)      If a shoe says that it will “shape your body” – run, run for you life.  These “shaping” shoes are known to cause MANY problems in feet, knees, hips and back.  The shoe puts your body in an unnatural position and when worn for any duration can cause pain in other areas or injury.

Choosing a shoe is a big decision.  Choose wisely.

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