Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Semicolon – my story isn’t over yet…

            Today is my birthday, 39, I am not afraid to say.  It is just a number, 39.  It means for 39 years I have had an opportunity to create a story.  Parts of my story are great and parts are not.  But it is my story nonetheless.  We each create a story everyday – our goal should be to inspire others with our story.
            When writing, we use commas as pauses or when listing many items.  Semicolons are used to link two related thoughts.  Periods are used when we are finished with our thoughts.  Your life, your story is continuous.  There are no do-overs, start-overs, erasing, ignoring or re-creating your story.  It is what it is and each day ends with a semi-colon.  Because tomorrow you will link another related section to your story.  I hope that my story doesn’t end for a long, long time.  But when it does, I pray I end it with a period or an exclamation point, not a question mark.  Today, I follow yesterday’s semicolon; I begin another part of my story – 39 and counting.  How about you?  What follows your semi-colon today?

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