Sunday, December 1, 2013

There is no magic pill, magic drops, magic wrap, magic shot…period.


           I hesitate to write this blog entry, for my own health’s sake because when I talk about these topics, I am certain that my blood pressure goes through the roof!  Let’s start with a few questions; name the most rewarding events in your life that you had responsibility in achieving… having a child, graduating school, marriage, winning that championship, what else?  So did you find that those things came easy to you?  Oh yeah, pregnancy, labor and delivery – easy, right?   A championship earned over many weeks or months, blood, sweat and tears, simple… no problem, right? 
            Weight loss will be rewarding in ways that you cannot even imagine… reduced medication intake, increased self esteem, better body image, more active lifestyle, more energy, increased lifestyle discipline, etc.   Those are things that you cannot get in a pill, drop, wrap, shot and otherwise.  If it were that easy we would all be skinny, right?  I become infuriated when companies promoting such products take advantage of the desperation of someone to lose weight. 
First, the pill, drops, wrap, shot, etc. will not give you long term effects.  Have you ever met anyone who has used one of those products for 30 years? No. Those supplements are not around that long because they are a fad, a money maker for a period of time and then, on to the next.  In reality you are either a guinea pig for a new product or a sucker for a quick fix.
So the next argument is that it “gets you started” on a weight loss journey.  So, it gets you started and then what?  Oh, you have to eat right and exercise to keep losing weight… uh, so why wouldn’t you just do that to begin with.. oh, because it is too hard, then do not delude yourself into believing that you will do it after the supplement jump starts you!  If you are really ready to lose weight then you are ready to eat well and exercise more.
Lastly, there are serious side effects to chemical weight loss solutions; diarrhea, stomach cramps, ulcers, liver damage, heart damage, hormone alterations, death… hmmm, think I will stop there.  Really, if you think that the benefits outweigh the risks, you are too desperate.
Real results require real effort.  To have results that are rewarding long term, it will require sacrifice and discipline.  

1 comment:

  1. This is a really informative article. The best way to keep fit is to have a daily routine and regular exercises that will bring you noticeable benefits and make you feel good as well as combine the right activities, which will bring for you a healthier life. poly
